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By including this aspect of training into your program, it will help you improve muscle strength and explosiveness of your athletes. As mentioned in the introduction, the main effect of this method is mainly nerve visual ovoid folder; the consequence can be a About Jacob Hiller muscle growth.

Ploy metric training aims to maximize the driving force in the shortest possible time, the effect is known as explosiveness, explosive performance.

Neuron physiological aspects of polymeric training

Muscle contractions that produce movement are called isotonic (constant muscle tension onus). They can be:

Concentric: to muscle contraction occurs when the muscle shortens in overcoming resistance

Eccentric: to muscle contraction occurs when the muscle to overcome resistance increases: for example, the quadriceps (thigh quadriceps) is extended when constricts to reduce the speed of the body when running or landing.

The body has Propriety captors or receptors that are sensitive to stress and elongation.

Muscle spindle is one of the receptor and plays an important role in the stretch reflex, which is an involuntary response (contraction) to the external stimulus, the stretched muscle (ego knee jerk).

When the spindle is stretched, it sends a signal to the spinal cord, where the return signal back to muscle contraction occurs.

The magnitude of response of muscle spindle is jump manual determined by the speed Stretch panels.