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In fetal growth is the result of the interplay of endogenous factors, based on the fruit itself, and exogenous mediated maternal organism and placenta.

 Endogenous factor is difficult to define fetal genetic growth potential. Among the exogenous factors, we expect maternal nutrition, maternal chronic diseases, About Darwin Smith embryonic or fetal infection, and toxic effects in the mother as well as the optimal function of the placenta (Table 1). Hormonal influences was until recently attributed to only a marginal impact.

Tab. First    Exogenous factors that affect fetal growth Maternal nutrition


Chronic diseases mothers


Congenital heart defect


Chronic renal insufficiency


Systemic autoimmune disease


Embryonic or fetal infection




Cytomegalovirus etc


Toxic effects of










 Placental function


Studies in recent years have shown that even fetal growth is driven by the interplay of humeral factors  Among them play an important role in both insulin-like grow taller 4 idiots  factor (insulin like growth factors)